The most helpful gift for a loved-one facing cancer.
Support them with a Virtual Village of real help in just a few clicks. Think food delivered, laundry folded and the dog walked.
Support them with a Virtual Village of real help in just a few clicks. Think food delivered, laundry folded and the dog walked.
They can use their Village Voucher across a range of services and products, whenever they need a little extra help. The Village never expires and can be topped up at any point, so they will be supported throughout their treatment and recovery.
Their Virtual Village of helping hands will be there to take the kids to the park, to make that huge pile of washing disappear or to give the house a once-over, once, or once a week!
They redeem their voucher for all the things they really need, at the times they really need them. Whether you are near or far, you can support your loved ones in the best possible way with It Takes a Village.
Create a Village