Steven and family village

Steven and family village

Created: 24/07/2023
Village Balance:$2,635

We’ve set this village up to show Steven and his family that we are thinking of them as they battle Sonija’s illness. We’re hoping they can use this village to help feed the kids, or any of the other things that may make things a little easier

It Takes a Village is a platform where friends and family join together to support someone close to them with a voucher that is redeemable across a collection of like-minded, sustainable businesses. These businesses deliver services (and products) that can fill the help gaps in their household.

Contributor History

Last contribution: 2 months
Total Contributions:$2,635
Karan RanaSabrina TuliRohiniMadhuriBaijuTerence ChongSimon WhittyKevinAlex GAshwin AgrawalAhmedKrutiPriyansIbrahimDe Beer FamilyBenedictPriyanka PHarshanaTim JacobsHenlyChrisRose PinneriSheenaVarun SharmaNidhiSarah ChaddertonClarissaErrol&EllieDeenaSubashiniNicola OakleyJoannaOlyaEmma Gilmour
.Contribution Details

.Contribution Details

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Your Name (Not publicly visible)

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Domestic Card Fees: (1.75% + A$0.30)

International Card Fees (2.90% + A$0.30)

Service Fee: 100% of your donation goes to the recipient.

We charge a $2.50 service fee that goes towards the continued running of the platform.

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