Miss Amy
Created: 13/10/2022
Village Balance:$0
It Takes a Village is a platform where friends and family join together to support someone close to them with a voucher that is redeemable across a collection of like-minded, sustainable businesses. These businesses deliver services (and products) that can fill the help gaps in their household.
Contributor History
Last contribution: 4 days
Total Contributions:$0
Amy JMKChia familyAndrew RamsdenDe Almeida FamilyKim, Luke and Charlie DillonBrockhoff familyWombatZach HealyPoppy ChapmanThe Boyes FamilyParker FamilyThe Molloy FamilyThe Singh FamilyHope NugentThe Allen familyThe Reeves FamilyArabella AlstonLewis twinsFreddie BallThe Mount FamilyThe Hicks FamilyThe Bull FamilyLily