Maree’s Village of Strength

Maree’s Village of Strength

Created: 16/07/2024
Village Balance:$1,520

Maree is undergoing treatment for breast cancer after a whirlwind diagnosis. Some days are good, and other days are… well, not so good. This is just one way we can demonstrate our love and support, and give Maree a choice about the practical things that can help her.

It Takes a Village is a platform where friends and family join together to support someone close to them with a voucher that is redeemable across a collection of like-minded, sustainable businesses. These businesses deliver services (and products) that can fill the help gaps in their household.

Contributor History

Last contribution: 4 months
Total Contributions:$1,520
LucySharonHMattVickiJudith (CISC)ShimaMaharjan familyLynnRos HorridgeColin ButlerJodieSarah ThompsonJanet ReidMaryKevinNicoleLeanne
.Contribution Details

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Domestic Card Fees: (1.75% + A$0.30)

International Card Fees (2.90% + A$0.30)

Service Fee: 100% of your donation goes to the recipient.

We charge a $2.50 service fee that goes towards the continued running of the platform.

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